
Port Huron Township covers a land area of 12.9 square miles and a water area of 0.2 square miles. It is located at 42.96 N. Lat.. 82.47 W. Long; Elevation is 627 feet.

  • Population: 7,621 (1990); 8,615(2000); 10,654 (2010); Race: 88.3% White; 4.4% Black; 0.4% Asian; 2.4% Multi-racial; 3.8% Hispanic (2010). Marriage status: 26.3% never married; 52.8% now married; 0.6% separated; 6.7% widowed; 13.6% divorced (2009).
  • Households: 4,044 households (2010); 1,764 households with two or more persons without children; 338 seniors 65+ who live alone; 618 under 65 who live alone; 1,324 households with children (2010). Average household size: 2.51(2010); Median age: 38.5 (2010).
  • Housing: Owner occupied: 2,785 (2010); Renter occupied: 1,259 (2010); Median home value: $150,000 (2009); Median rent: $735 per month (2009).
  • Economy: Employment by occupation: 20.6% management, professional and related occupations; 15.1% service occupations; 29.5% sales and office occupations; 0.2% farming, fishing and forestry occupations; 10.0% construction, extractions, maintenance and repair occupations; 24.6% production, transportation and material moving occupations (2009).
  • Income: Per capita income: $24,205 (2009); Median household income: $49,771 (2009); Average household income: $58,736 (2009); Percent of households with income of $100,000 or more: 13.5% (2009); Persons in poverty: 12.6%; Households in poverty: 7.1% (2009).
  • Education: Percent of population age 25 and over with: High school diploma (including GED), some college, and Associate degree: 74.7% (2009); Bachelor degree: 6.7% (2009); Graduate or Professional degree: 5.4% (2009).
  • Transportation: Commute to work: 96.9% car; 0.3% public transportation; 1.0% walk; other means 0.6%; 1.1% work from home (2009); Mean travel time to work: 19.6 minutes (2009).


Port Huron Charter Township, in St Clair County was established in 1827.

On April 12, 1827. by the Michigan territorial legislature the township was formed. The territory of St Clair county split into all that part of said county containing the surveyed townships six, seven, eight nine, in ranges thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, east of the principle meridian, be a township by the name of Desmond, and the first township meeting be held at Fort Gratiot.

The original name of Desmond Township lasted until 1837, when the post office changed the name to Port Huron Township

Port Huron Township has the distinction of being the first township created in St. Clair County

The Longfellow Engine & Thrasher was manufactured in Port Huron Township in 1913.Longfellow Engine

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