Pay Bills Online
Online Payments & Bills
Click the appropriate button below to pay online
Tax Bills
Water, Sewer, Refuse
Building Permits
Burning Permits
Business Licenses
Cemetery Payments
Code Enforcement (Fines)
Cost Recovery Bills
Delinquent Pers. Property
Park and Hall
If you make payments online using your checking or savings account, (E-check) please be sure to allow at least 2-3 business days for processing by Invoice Cloud and your bank. Payments not approved by the due date may result in a late fee.
Convenience Fee Schedule.
Credit /Debit Cards; 2.75%
E-check; 95 cents (must use bank routing no. and checking account no. printed along the bottom of your check.
If you do not have checks, but have a debit card
Please contact your bank for the routing number. Your account number will be on your bank statement.
When paying your utility bills online, you must click on "Pay Utility Bills" and register. If you click on "Pay Miscellaneous Bills", processing of your payment may be delayed resulting in a late fee.
Call to Pay
Utility Bill Payments
Call 1-855-786-4106.
Tax Bill Payments
Call 1-855-786-5318
Note for Call to Pay for tax payments only: When prompted to input your parcel number, please start with 28 in the parcel number. The payment system will not be able to find your account if you input the 74 in the parcel number. For example:
if your parcel number is 74-28-123-4567-890.
Start your parcel number with
28-123-4567-890 when inputting your parcel. Then the # symbol.
Pay by Text
Get text notifications about your bill and have the option to pay through text message with your default payment method (sign up when making an online payment or within your account).
Mail Checks
Checks should be made payable to Port Huron Township and mailed to 3800 Lapeer Road, Port Huron, MI 48060. Please be sure to put your account number on the memo line of your check when paying utility bills. If paying taxes use your property tax identification number.
Examples are:
Utility Bill: A 12 digit number in 000000000000 format. Numbers in bold will be your house address numbers. Please place the entire account number on the memo portion if the check.
Please use a separate check for your tax and utility bills.
Tax Bill: a 16 digit number in 74-28-000-0000-000 format. Numbers in bold will be your unique parcel number. Please place the entire parcel ID on the memo portion of your check.
74 represents St Clair County
28 represents Port Huron Township
If you have a tax bill with parcel numbers starting with 74-06, this is a City of Port Huron parcel. Please mail this tax bill to the City of Port Huron as we cannot accept city tax payments at the township.
For Special Assessments, please use the tax ID number and district number. If you are not sure what account number to use, please contact our office before sending.
Bank Bill Pay
When paying for a utility or tax bill using your bank bill pay services, please make sure you use the correct account number when setting up your payment with the bank. You must use the utility account number (all 12 digits) in the account number area. when paying taxes, place the entire parcel number (16 digits) in the account number area. Please use a separate bill pay setup for each bill you want to pay. For example, if you meant to pay your taxes and you used your utility bill account number, your payment will be applied to your utility bill resulting in a non-refundable credit to your utility account and leaving your taxes unpaid.
Pay In Person
Pay by Credit Card, Cash, or Check at the Township office at 3800 Lapeer Road, Port Huron, MI 48060.
A 2.75% convenience fee applies when paying in person with a credit or debit card
There is no charge for using a paper check to make payments. when paying in person.
NOTE: Electronic payments have a convenience fee of 2.75% which will be added to your payment. The fee will be displayed prior to you completing the payment.
If you need assistance paying online, or have questions on the amount of your bill/fees or need service, please call the Township at 810-987-6600
We use Invoice Cloud to process our payments. Invoice Cloud has been certified as maintaining the hightlest level of security as required by the credit card industry.